So, here’s the thing. I haven’t been writing a lot about books, or anything else for that matter. I feel I want to write, should be writing, need to write but I have no idea what to write about. Most of the books I am reading are fine as far as they go but they aren’t write home to mom about. I know I am reading, for the most part, the same 20 or so authors and of course they are going to start getting stale. I am reading the same couple of genres so maybe that is getting old too.
I just finished Diane Mott Davidson’s newest book “Crunch Time” and I have to say I was unimpressed even with the recipes. There was a time I would be so excited to see a new Goldie mystery on the library shelf and I couldn’t wait to get it home and start reading. In this installment she was way too involved in the investigation to the point of obstruction in some instances. If I had been her husband Tom not only would I not be making “Love Potion” salad dressing for her I would be threatening her with jail if she didn’t stay out of crap.
It seemed to me her involvement in the case led to the death of two men and nearly got herself killed as many times and I didn’t sense any attitude of regret or responsibility for her part in either instance.
It was all too Cabot Cove for me. Then for the weird cherry on top Tom wants to have a baby with Goldie. Her son Arch is 16 and she is 40. My sister just had her second child at 41. The baby is gorgeous and she is ecstatic she started her family later. Her first son is only 4 not 16.
I don’t know, it was just so dissatisfying to me. I will read her next one. I can’t write off a whole wonderful series for one bad installment. Maybe with her pregnant she won’t be so physically involved and her wonderful cast of sidekicks will take more center stage. I hope so.
Even though I haven’t written a thing in forever if someone is reading this and has any suggestions for new fun authors or genres I am open to suggestions. I will go one step further for every new suggestion I receive I will read it then blog about it and give credit to whoever introduced me to someone/something new and I won’t wait 8 months before I post again!